So since it's been so long it has taken me a while to figure out what to start posting so I'm just going to go room to room and post different updates of the things I've done. That includes posting Christmas pics.
So ever since I bought my condo I've always been really intrigued by wall decals, so I bought a set and decided that I would hang it up in my living room. Let me first tell you that it was an easy but time consuming project. I used the corned edge of my driver's licence so transfer the decal off of the plastic paper and onto the wall. See below....
It looks like it's 4 large pieces and 4 small pieces, WRONG. If you take a closer look you will see that the 4 large pieces are really about 30 small pieces. I really, really liked the decal at the beginning but after a while realized this was not the right decal or the right location for a decal. Well that and the fact that a few a the pieces starting coming off. So I just pushed the pieces back down. Suggestions don't use the decal on an outside wall. Between the winter cold on the outside and the heat on the side, I believe that was the cause of the unraveling. I will for sure do another decal, in fact I think I've already got the next one picked out, but you will have to wait and see.
So one day I was out shopping at Bed, Bath and Beyond (one of my favorite places) and I came across this picture frame set that I thought would be a good replacement for the wall decal. O and by the way they say that the wall decal are reusable, um so not the case in my situation. Every single piece that I put up tore into many more little pieces instead of pealing right off.
Here's an up close picture of the new wall hanging in my living room. It's 8 separate pieces that took me a while to hang in an almost perfect rectangle. I'm still working on putting pictures in each of the frames but I've gotten a few of the pics filed. The top center has pictures of some of my cousins kids and my old roommates Jamie & Jamie and their first daughter Madison.
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